Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hermana Juliet Hansen - Seminary and The Ensign

Hello all,
I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial day weekend with lots of food, fun, and family. Our zone of missionaries had a special activity where we played broom hockey and ate hot dogs. It was really fun.
This week was good. We had the opportunity to attend the last day of Seminary. The teacher for the seminary class asked us to come and share our testimonies with all of the kids to kind of give them a good start for their summer vacation. The theme for the day was on the topic of how can you apply faith, virtue, vision, and three other gospel principles to becoming a "finisher". And each student had been asked to prepare  a short essay on that topic. As each student got up and shared their thoughts I was struck by how spiritually mature these teens already are. They know who they are, children of a loving Heavenly Father and they recognize what is important in life. And they all talked about how Christ is the ultimate finisher. He did everything that the Lord asked him to do. He didn't let criticism or betrayal or temptation sway Him from His ultimate purpose, to give His life so that we might be saved. I took away from that class how important it is for us to remember what our ultimate purpose live with God again and receive eternal life. And what do we have to do to get there? Finish the race that is life. Don't let criticism, peer pressure, tempation, etc. distract us from our ultimate goal. We have to have faith, cleave to virtue, maintain an eternal vision, etc and all things "will work together for our good".
We've been working really hard to update all of our records with regards to members in our area. And we have been blessed in that aspect. We actually found an inactive older gentleman that no one in the ward had been able to get in contact with in years. When we told the bishop that we had found that gentleman and talked with him, he was SO shocked. I'm excited to help this man come back to the Gospel. He was baptised 10 years ago and went inactive 5 years ago. I'm excited to help him remember the feelings he had when he was baptised and why he believed in the Gospel. And I'm excited to potentially bring the blessings of the Gospel to the rest of his family because he is the only one that is a member. I know that the Gospel would bless his family so much and maybe now is the time when they are most prepared to receive it. I love this potential for new adventure :)
This week I have learned SOOOO much. I would encourage you all to read this month's edition of the Ensign. When I read the article by President Eyring I was deeply struck by his message. I know without a doubt that the Lord speaks to us through so many different ways. And this week for me it was through the Ensign (it was an answer to one of my unspoken prayers). I know that no matter what you may have a question about, whatever you may struggle with, the Lord will always find a way to communicate with you to help you know what you need to do. That answer may come through the scriptures, through a blessing, through a church magazine, through a friend, etc. But the answer will ALWAYS come. I have no doubt about that.
I love you all and am grateful for you!!!
Hermana Hansen

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