Monday, November 12, 2012

Hermana Juliet Hansen - A slow week ....

Hi all,

It was a slow missionary week basically because I was sick with the stomach flu. Not a lot of work was able to be accomplished because of it but I'm back to 100% and we're ready to hit it out of the park this week. 

Even with the sickness we were able to have some really great experiences.

We have the opportunity to teach a lady named A..... She's terrific and is really progressing in her testimony of the Gospel. She is our investigator that we leave notes with scriptures about gospel topics every day at her door. She told us that she really appreciates the notes we leave for her. They've helped her so much. Anyway, this past Saturday we had a really great lesson with her. We talked with her about some of the commandments that God has given us specifically tithing, fasting, and the Word of Wisdom. I just want to share one thing that we talked about during that lesson. 
In the Word of Wisdom it asks us to avoid alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, coffee, and tea. Her question for us was "Why do I need to give up coffee? It such a little thing and I don't feel like it would really separate me from God. There are other things that are more important to focus on." And we shared with her this analogy...
        It's like when we're young. Our parents ask us over and over to make our beds. It's such a small thing that they require. And yet we often ask, "Why? Why can't I just leave it unmade? It doesn't hurt me or anyone else." But our parents know better than we do. They want us to develop habits so that we can be happier as we get older. They know that if we don't learn to make our beds we'll have a bad habit that could irritate future spouses or roommates. So they ask us to make the bed for our future happiness. And we do it without fully understanding why and as we grow we come to understand what they knew. The same is true for the commandments no matter who small or big. Some it's easy to understand i.e. "Thou shalt not kill." but then we have coffee. "Why should we give that up? I don't think it hurts me or anyone else." But we know that God would never give us a commandment that we can't fulfill. God knows better than we do. He knows what is to come and He wants us to be happy. And because we love him we keep his commandments even when we don't understand them. And as we do so we come to learn what He already knew and we start to see the promised blessings.

I know that as we follow the Lord in all things, even those things that we may not understand completely, we will be happier and more blessed.

Remember, obedience brings blessings, exact obedience brings miracles.

I love this time of year that we are going into. Thanksgiving and Christmas are wonderful times to be alive. How amazing it is to be able to give thanks for the blessings that we have but most especially the opportunity to celebrate more the life of our Savior Jesus Christ. I feel so blessed to be able to be in His service.

In a few days the church will be launching it's new site for the Christmas season I would invite everyone to check it out and contribute your thoughts and testimonies of Christ. And then share it with all your friends.

God knows you and your needs. He is listening! 

Con amor,
Hermana Hansen 

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