Monday, May 24, 2010

Bluebeard's Castle

John and I went to see Bartok's "Bluebeard's Castle" on Friday night. I have to say I was delighted it was held at TPAC instead of the Schermerhorn. I love that place and it's been a while since we were last there together. It has a simple yet lovely acoustic and the symphony sounded wonderful. One of the highlights of the show was seeing the sets designed by Chihuly. Gorgeous. The closed stage environment showcased everything very well and made the production feel more intimate. The singers were marvelous, such beautiful voices. The acting.... not so hot. They were supposed to be a newly married couple but there was no real passion behind the singing. The production is a wee bit on the morbid side and I think Freud would have had a field day with some of the lyrics :)

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