Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hermana Juliet Hansen - Miracles Do Happen

Hello all,
I hope you are doing well. I got the birthday card. Thank you so much. Also, thank you for sending ......

So the Christmas season is upon us. I just have a couple of requests for Christmas presents ........  That's really all I want but you're welcome to throw in some surprises if you like. I'm so grateful for all the support you give me and I'm so grateful to be able to serve the Lord especially at this time of year.
So the subject line this week is Miracles do happen. I really have seen this happen in little ways since I've been out in the field. But I really saw this happen yesterday. I don't know if I've mentioned in my past emails a couple, I..... and I...... Well they are a really special couple with a really cute daughter. (She) is a less active member and (he) is investigating the church. We've been struggling to get them to come to church, for one reason or another, work or they slept in etc. Saturday we had a really great lesson with them with the help of some members about the Word of Wisdom and I..... told us that she would try to come to church with her daughter but I.... said he needed to work. Much to our shock and great pleasure, who should wander into the chapel but (he) in the flesh. It was so amazing and exciting to see him there. And not only was he there but he participated in Sunday School and Priesthood. 
I.... (she) offered to help the sisters with preparations for our Christmas party. Their daughter J..... loved Primary. I really feel like a miracle has happened for this family. And I hope that coming to church has helped him have more of a desire to set a baptismal date. Every day that I'm out here and things like that happen my testimony of miracles is strengthened. I know that they happen and that all we have to do is be willing to recognize them. 

So my question for you this week is what miracles have you seen in your life this week? If you have had some, write them down, so you won't forget them.
Sorry that the email this week is short but know that I love you all and I pray for you often.
God loves you and knows your needs.
With much love,
Hermana Hansen

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