Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hermana Juliet Hansen - I'm dreaming of a white christmas...

Hello all,
Can you believe that it's December already? It's a little hard to believe that it's almost Christmas when it's been 70 degrees out here.
So a couple of things first... (could you ......)
And, I got the package that the Relief Society sisters sent. It was awesome. I'll be writing a letter to them all.
Okay, so I did have the opportunity to watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional last night and it was amazing. I really loved the videos that they shared about the birth of Christ. They were spectacular. I really loved all of the talks but at one point someone said something about giving the gift of Christ. I feel like that is what I am doing as a missionary. And it is probably the best gift that anyone could receive or give. The knowledge that they have a personal savior, who knows every need that they have, every sorrow that they've ever experienced. So often people don't recognize that they need this in their lives but we as missionaries (even member missionaries) have the opportunity to show them that they do need Christ in their life and their life will be so much better for it. I feel like this is what Christmas is truly about, giving people hope and bringing light into their lives. 
Along with that idea, Sunday morning we had a meeting with the Stake presidency, Mission president, Ward mission leaders, and all the full time missionaries in our stake to talk about the state of missionary work in our area. We talked a lot about what we could do to improve. What I took away from that meeting was the importance of getting to know your neighbors. That we need to become their friends first and invite them over for dinner, play games, talk, etc before we invite them to listen to the missionaries. I think as members we have this fear to share the gospel with our friends because we don't want to be rejected or any other multitude of reasons. But in this meeting I learned that sharing the gospel becomes so much easier when we have a LOVE of God and a LOVE of others. And we can develop those things through fasting and prayer. Also we can develop this desire to get to know our neighbors and share our love for the savior when we ask ourselves this question "Have I seen the image/countenance of the Savior in my friends?" When we see the Savior in our friends we want them to feel of His love like we do, we want them to know Him like we do.
So my challenge for all of you this Christmas season is to get to know your neighbors better. And then to pray and fast at least one day this month for an opportunity to share the Gospel with a neighbor or a friend. Give the gift of Christ. Will you accept this challenge?
I love you all with all my heart. And I'm grateful for all of your prayers and support. I know that Christ lives and loves us.
Hermana Hansen

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