Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sudbury Hall/Museum of Childhood - 3rd August

The interior of Sudbury Hall is featured in "Pride and Prejudice" and unfortunately was not open to the public on the day we visited. However we walked round some of the exterior and Nik attempted to commune with the swans, yet again. Seems to be his vacation goal to get up close and personal with one of them and he has come close to succeeding on a number of occasions :)
We did not leave enough time to do the Museum of Childhood justice but we enjoyed it none the less. One of the ceilings has a full scale room attached to it. We loved that. We also liked the dragon carpet.
Tucked away in one of the corners of the garden is a rather unusual exhibit. A model scene made of plasticine !!!! It's called the Paradise in Plasticine Garden and features a bust of William Harbutt. From what I overheard it meets with somewhat mixed reactions but we liked it.

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