Monday, March 23, 2009

Bits and pieces

We were in Ohio visiting grandma for a few days. Her yard was needing cleaned up from the last storm that went through so Nik and I tackled that. Catalpa trees have very long pods and when they drop it's a mess.

While we were there, I took Kris to a few stores to price bulbs, seeds etc. and we came home with a bag full of items. She appears to have a definite color scheme in mind (red and white). Grandma gave her some seed catalogues to bring home with her.

Our niece is experimenting with hens and brought some eggs to show us. Some are blue, others are kind of pale green, the rest are various shades of brown. Seemingly each hen has their own distinct egg color and the size is dependent upon the age and size of the hen. Learn something new every day :)

I was wandering round our back yard last night and noticed that the Clematis is sprouting. Woohoo. I thought I had killed it off. The kids gave it to me for Mother's Day last year. 

Our telephones are not working. Don't know what the deal is. They were fine when we left.

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