Saturday, August 22, 2009

The weed pile is getting larger :)

John, Juliet and Elisabeth left early this morning to fly out to Utah. The plan is to get Juliet settled into her apartment i.e. getting all her things out of our friend's house by Monday. Elisabeth is going to Idaho with some friends and won't be moving into her apartment till next week-end.

With the weather settling down a bit and getting a wee bit cooler Kris, Nik and I tackled the back garden. We now have a fairly large pile of weeds and trimmed plants etc. most of it from one area of the yard. I did a major cut back because almost everything is getting covered in black spots of something that does not look too attractive.

The Marigolds are loving the area that Kris and I planted them in and the mini watermelons are growing through them. Our tomatoes are almost done with except for some mini ones. The Brussel Sprouts are being eaten by rabbits but at least it's keeping them from other edibles :) We have a few small squash starting to look ready to pick.

We are contemplating putting our veggies somewhere else next year and turning the current bed over to flowers.

We went to the Humane Society this morning for a while. We would like to start volunteering there. The kittens adored Nik and had a good time climbing all over him :) They have a really nice work out area for the dogs which goes up a hill and round a shaded track area at the top.

Happy birthday to my mother. Hope you had a fabulous day. Hugs from all of us.

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