Thursday, August 20, 2009

After the storms

We've had a couple of powerful storms blow through since last night so my plans to continue weeding the "vacation weeds" from our flower beds had to be abandoned.
I love seeing the water droplets on plants after rain has passed. The white lily is a new addition to our yard this year. The Althea is a small tree/shrub that is about 3 years old.
Kris and Nik are now back at school and it looks like they will be in for a busy year. Tennessee has changed the way high school students will graduate effective this school year but those that were already on the old path will continue with it. This means Kris still does the Gateway tests and Nik does not.
Juliet and Elisabeth are packing and leave on Saturday morning. Laundry and piles of clothing abound :)
While we were away on vacation there was some more lay-offs at work. John is still there but it looks like his work load will increase again.

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