Monday, April 6, 2009

Companion Planting

Kris and Nik did some research on companion planting at the weekend. I asked them to find out what would work well with corn, strawberries, peas and tomatoes. This is what they learned.

Corn - amaranth, beans, cucumber, white geranium, lambs quarters, melon, morning glory, parsley, peanuts, peas, potatoes, pumpkin, soy beans, squash and sunflower

Strawberries - beans, borage, lettuce, onion, spinach and thyme.

Peas - pole beans, bush beans, carrots, celery, chicory, cucumber, egg plant, parsley, early potato, radish, spinach, strawberries, sweet pepper and turnips.

Tomatoes - asparagus, basil, bean, carrots, celery, chive, cucumber, head lettuce, marigold, mint, nectarine, onion, parsley, pepper and saw thistle.

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