Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bits and pieces

So Juliet got home safely on Saturday night and has been spending the last few days getting settled in. She is due to start work next week. It's been nice having another adult in the house during the daytime. I'm feeling spoiled because she has been making lunch and helping with dinner, laundry and housework :)

Yesterday we looked at language books at "Books A Million." She helped me with Spanish pronunciation and I helped her with French pronunciation. She found the Spanish CD's that we already have and is going to help me with learning those.

"Dougal" has been trimmed and looks a whole lot better. The shrubs beside the driveway are in the process of being done because they are interfering with us backing vehicles down to the street. 

Our neighbor had three trees that looked like they would fall over any time so they had those cut down. Opens up their front yard quite considerably. Looks nice.

The mini watermelons that Kris planted are sprouting. She did 10 and 9 are coming up. She has not had to do much watering yet because of all the rain we have been having :) Looks like my Brussel Sprouts are liking the area they have been planted in.

All the Dogwood trees have been in bloom over the past 3 weeks or so which has made our part of town look very nice. They are now past their best and the wild Honeysuckle has taken over. Our "tame" Honeysuckle is intermingling with the wild grape vine along the back fence and we have Trumpet vine growing amongst the "tame" grapevines on the front fence.

With all this "pandemic" talk that has been going on in the media recently it's gotten me to thinking about are we prepared for a lengthy confinement to home if a huge outbreak did occur - I'm not convinced that we (or a large section of the population) are.

1 comment:

Micki said...

We are all worried about the flu. Well, staying home is always nice. As I am a homebird, that won't be so bad after all.