Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines week-end

We hope you all had a good week-end. Ours was enjoyable.
Watching the Olympic Games is proving interesting, at times jaw dropping and definitely great. I'm not sure I would have that kind of dedication and money draining ability to hone physical abilities to that high of a level. You definitely have to respect them all. We are enjoying the snowboarding events.
We celebrated our wedding anniversary by attending Jim Brickman and Friends in Concert with The Nashville Symphony. Very entertaining and fluffily romantic :) Anyone buying one of his CD's at the event received some free gifts - Valentine CD and recyled shopping bag.
The kids all got class reports back and are doing well. A's and B's.
Nik gave a talk in Sacrament on Sunday about how reading the scriptures and attending seminary helps him grow closer to God. He did well. It took a wee while for his talk to dry out after Kris's juice container sprung a leak all over everything on our way to church.
Kris is now back on seizure medication. Hopefully the dose will be high enough to be effective but low enough that she has no side effects. She has been spending the weekend working on a photography assignment. She is learning to use Corel Painter at home so she can do altered art. Very interesting. She is loving seeing how she can change some of her photographs to graphic art.
We are contemplating what to do with our truck. Some of our friends had a look at it last night and another suggested a person who might be able to work on it for us. Personally I think we should enter a demolition derby :)
Today we have more snow. School is out because of President's Day.

1 comment:

Micki said...

Happy Anniversary and enjoy watching the Olympics!