Friday, September 25, 2009

This and that

John called me a few nights ago on his way home from work and said "Go look at the sky and take a photo." So I did :) A lot of it was partially hidden by trees from my vantage point but it still looked pretty.
We received the proof copies of edition 2 of John's book. Looks good. Now we have to find something else for him to do to keep him out of mischief. I saw an interesting magazine about wood carving which I may plonk down on his lap :)
I am now officially the treasurer for the high school PTSO and I made sure we did not leave our school meeting without the rest of the officers in place.
Juliet and Elisabeth are settled into school. Juliet now has an internship which she is pleased about. She had to add another class to her workload which puts her up to 17 hours. Elisabeth is still trying to find a job. Her scholarship issues were resolved thank goodness.
Kris and Nik are enjoying high school and their progress reports are looking good thus far. Nik is now learning bowling with the school group. We still have to find out about a club for Kris. They have to participate in at least one every year. It's the high school's 50th birthday this year so plans are underway far a black tie gala in April.


Micki said...

Glad that your kids are settled in school. That is always a relief.

an encourager said...

You take marvelous photos! I need to learn what my own camera can do... Thank you for your encouraging words about my quilt that taught me perseverance! Very nice!