Thursday, May 28, 2009

The tickets are booked :)

Our grand summer adventure is going to be ......... a trip to Britain :) We have our tickets booked, our first two days in London sorted out, new passports applied for for the kids, house/dog sitter taken care of. We are planning a stay in East Anglia, Scotland, maybe Wales & Ireland and then back to London to head home. We want to do cathedrals and beaches as part of that and I'm planning a day at the genealogy research center while the family does a tour of Edinburgh.

When I let my mother know a couple of days ago she was speechless. She had also just received a letter from a cousin in New Zealand asking if it would be possible to visit while they are doing their Europe travels :) We have been trying to track them down for years. He found my parents address in a book (?) and wrote to them.

So Nik and Kris will end up with a busyish summer. Between them they have the pioneer trek, Girls Camp, Scout camp and Britain plus some other stuff related to school and church.

Juliet has to stay late at work today. There is a company meeting. She is hoping it is not bad news.

Elisabeth is enjoying spring term. She spent the long week-end with a couple of friends in Idaho, via Montana (missed their exit.) 

Over the long weekend we got to celebrate John's birthday. Some friends had a surprise dinner for him which was very enjoyable.  We took a bundt cake :)

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