Friday, May 15, 2009

A study in green :)

I grow a lot of our plants because of the leaves. Here's an example.
The only thing that should not be there is the ivy that's just starting to the left.
The little white flowers belong to a tiny mystery plant I bought years ago that turned out to be a lovely bush. I moved the original one to another section of the yard because it was growing through our ornamental christmas tree (which died last summer). The one here is a baby that sprouted up to replace everything and there are two more starting up that will probably be transplanted elsewhere.
The green bits on stalks are the seed pods from our grape hyacinths. I tried collecting some of them last year but they met with an unfortunate accident.
The succulents are part of our ever expanding collection. Once the bush takes up the space most of the plants will be moved to other areas of the yard. That will take about two years if the mother bush was anything to go by.

1 comment:

Micki said...

That mystery plant is lovely though...isn't it fun to find a surprise like that in the garden!