Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We have visitors

Well actually they "followed us" home from the local garden center and are currently trying out what will be our new flower bed beside the peach tree :) These dear Dodo's are my "splurge" for the spring since we will be transplanting a lot of bulbs and flowers from other areas of the yard instead of buying.
 Kristina took photographs of all the different color Dodo's at the garden center amongst the pansies. Here's one of them :) 

John has bought some of the upside down growing containers for tomatoes and strawberries so we shall see how that works out. All we have to do is work out where to hang them :)

The flowers that bloom

We have sunshine and warmth. Lucy has been sitting on the back steps sunbathing :) Our peach tree is starting to bloom and as usual looks lovely.

Finally - the shutters

So we have been talking for the past couple of years about repainting the front shutters. Some of them are definitely in need. A couple of days ago I bought the paint. Yesterday I started scraping down the loose paint on one of them. Today I've been power sanding!!!!!! Yeh verily, hubbie showed me how to use the sander and wouldn't you know it it looks like there's 3 layers of paint to remove !!!!!! I'm trying to get this set done ASAP because we have some large hosta plants that grow up into the flower bed below the window. If you decide to tackle a project like this please remember to wear safety equipment i.e. proper clothing, goggles, mask AND ear protection.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Things are starting to emerge.

Nest building